Home: The Future Site of Care

Healthcare delivery is migrating to the home due to fast-evolving care models, significant demographic shifts, the prevalence of chronic illness, and changes in reimbursement. What are the key drivers, which segments of healthcare will transition to the home first, and what are the challenges that need to be overcome? Please complete the form to receive […]

How to structure and implement value-based contracts

CWH presents a quick video introduction to value-based contracts.​​​​​​​ ‍Janie Tremlett, Partner at CWH and industry expert, discusses how to structure and implement value-based contracts. Please complete the form to receive this video. Upon submission, the video will be sent to your inbox.

Data strategy that actually works

CWH presents a quick video introduction to data strategy. Chris Couch, Senior Advisor at CWH and industry expert, discusses a methodology for implementing a data strategy that actually works. Please complete the form to receive this video. Upon submission, the video will be sent to your inbox.

Recent trends and the implications for PatientPay™

CWH presents a quick video introduction to PatientPay™.​​​​​​​‍ David Stievater, Partner at CWH and industry expert, discusses the recent trends and implications for PatientPay™. Please complete the form to receive this video. Upon submission, the video will be sent to your inbox.

Are value-based care models game changers

This webinar will cover the results from several organizations on implementing VBC, how it impacted the organization, and a panel discussion on how to improve VBC models going forward. During this session, industry experts will discuss: Please complete the form to receive this webinar. Upon submission, the webinar will be sent to your inbox.

2022 PatientPay™ Study

The PatientPay™ 2022 Study was designed to identify trends and innovations in patient payments from the provider’s point of view to better understand: The study, initiated by CWH Advisors, included 38 in-depth interviews with executives at health system, hospitals, and large single/multi-specialty medical groups. All respondents had line or management responsibility for patient payments. Please […]

PatchRX RTM white paper

Medication nonadherence is associated with several adverse outcomes including increased hospital admissions, worse health outcomes and increased morbidity. Specifically, in chronic pain, these negative health outcomes can exacerbate the patient’s chronic pain, hampering the ability of practitioners to effectively treat their patients and ultimately leading to higher cost of care. Introduction of new digital technologies […]

How to measure SDOH effectiveness?

This webinar will review how to measure Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and some best practices in building an SDOH program and ways to measure effectiveness and outcomes. During this session, industry experts will discuss: Please complete the form to receive this webinar. Upon submission, the webinar will be sent to your inbox.

What the pandemic taught us about virtual health

This webinar will discuss how the onset of the pandemic skyrocketed the demand for virtual healthcare in the US and how Healthcare providers quickly pivoted their offerings to adjust to the new world of virtual health. During this session, industry experts share their learnings during their transition to virtual healthcare: Please complete the form to […]

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