Revenue Pathway for FDA Approved Medical Device

Stethoscope on keyboard of laptop

A monitoring device company had FDA approval, but a billing code was not yet available. The company’s objective was to understand the most effective and efficient approach to obtain reimbursement.

Client Pain Points

  • Concerned about the investment and time to revenue for a new device in process of FDA approval.
  • Needed validation of Go-to-Market strategy, forecast of P&L statement.
  • Needed market validation of private payer time to revenue on product.

CWH Solutions

  • Performed a Go-to-Market assessment, providing a revised plan, recommendations, and P&L.
  • Provided fee schedules timeline for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and private payer.

CWH Delivering Value

  • Saved Medical Device company a large amount of investment dollars understanding realistic time to revenue.
  • Provided direct market feedback from Medicare Advantage payers on their process and requirements to change fee schedules.

We really appreciated the insight. The analysis saved us from investing millions of dollars that we had not budgeted.”
Operating Executive Medical Device Company